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Hon­duras: WE ARE OCEAN

What is at is­sue:

WE ARE OCEAN is an in­ter­dis­cip­lin­ary art pro­ject that brings to­gether in­di­gen­ous lead­ers, artists, stu­dents, sci­ent­ists, policy makers, art col­lect­ors, teach­ers, and cur­at­ors to raise aware­ness and dia­logue about the eco­lo­gical state of the ocean and the role of hu­mans in its cur­rent and fu­ture state.

In 2019 and 2020, WE ARE OCEAN brought to­gether the European cit­ies of Ber­lin, Venice and Mar­seille to be­gin the in­ter­act­ive jour­ney.

Through this in­ter­na­tional pro­ject, ART­PORT aims to re­flect on vari­ous is­sues re­lated to the causes and ef­fects of hu­man-in­duced changes in the oceans. It will il­lus­trate how all of us, cit­izens of all coun­tries, both cause and are af­fected by the state of the ocean, but can also po­ten­tially con­trib­ute to pos­it­ive change.

WE ARE OCEAN Hon­duras brings to­gether tra­di­tional know­ledge from dif­fer­ent parts of the coun­try and con­nects it to the people, in­clud­ing in terms of ocean con­ser­va­tion and the link between a healthy ocean and a healthy land.

The pro­ject will re­flect what the coun­try stands for at the mo­ment, ana­lyze the en­vir­on­mental evol­u­tion of the last 50 years, and give a voice to in­di­gen­ous peoples to show us their per­spect­ive in the con­text of a healthy ocean.

What's hap­pen­ing now:

The im­ple­ment­a­tion of the pro­ject is com­plic­ated by Cov­id19 but should be done by the end of 2022.

The top­ics:

  • Interconnections/connections of all seas and oceans
  • The indigenous peoples of Honduras and their connection to ocean protection (Garífunas, Nahua, Chortís, Lencas, Maya-Chortís, Misquítos, Criollos, Peches, Tawahakas, Tolupanes) n Indigenous protection of land and sea in Honduras
  • Discover the environmental marine history of Honduras
  • Monocultures versus biodiversity
  • Colonialism and its effects on ocean health
  • Fruit companies and the local fishermen
  • How is the forest connected with the sea?
  • How can traditional knowledge teach us a better system?
  • Sustainable fishing (connected to the project “Fish Forever” by RARE Foundation

What we have achieved:

The im­ple­ment­a­tion of the pro­ject was com­plic­ated by Cov­id19, but should be done by the end of 2022.

More in­form­a­tion:

More in­form­a­tion