What is at issue:
Thisfish is committed to helping you make more informed choices about the authenticity, quality and sustainability of the seafood you eat, while promoting the folks who proudly stand behind their catch. We want to make the seafood business more transparent and reward those who responsibly harvest and handle your catch. We believe there shouldn’t be anything fishy about eating seafood. Thisfish! provides information and transparency.
Each fisher harvester is pre-assigned a series of sequential numerical codes. Upon unloading of catch, each individual fish or batch of fish is tagged with a numerical code. The harvester, or a harvester-approved third party, will upload those codes to their personal profile on the Thisfish website. Traceability information including where the fish was caught, the date it was unloaded, the species, the vessel it was caught on, and the fishery will also be included. This information can be correlated to landing slips or other official documentation. Now this data is linked to the code and will follow that fish or batch of fish throughout the supply chain.
What's happening now:
The 8th Annual Ocean Exchange 2018 has selected ThisFish Inc. as one of 12 finalists capable of increasing economic growth and productivity while reducing the use of nature's resources.
What we have achieved:
Since 2010, ThisFish receives several awards e.g. global start-up competition of Fish 2.0
Today, ThisFish is a global provider of seafood traceability software.
For fish processors, wholesalers and suppliers, joining the program offers numerous benefits to businesses, including cost-effective advertising, but the biggest boost comes from consumers and retailers. The public is looking for high-quality, sustainable and traceably produced seafood.
A growing number of retailers and restaurants participate in Thisfish. "Sobeys" and "Thrifty Foods" have adopted the concept and developed a business plan around selling Thisfish, which has resulted in an enormous demand for products from the fishermen involved in the programme. Restaurants and cooks have participated in the programme.
Consumers can obtain the codes associated with the product either directly from the sellers at the fish counter or from the frozen food packaging. The consumer can then either call up information at home using the codes, and smartphone users also receive this access before they buy the product in the supermarket. This last option allows consumers to make their purchasing decisions based on up-to-date information about the fishery and the product.